Est. 1988

Privacy Policy

To provide our services, we collect and process some of your personal information. This gives you more detail about what we do with it. It also lets you know your rights.

This statement relates to the information we collect and process as the data controller when:

  • you engage with us in advance of becoming a client
  • you become a client
  • we provide our services to you

What do we use your personal information for?

Client due diligence

When you become a client of T. A. Sheehan, we are required to obtain personal information from you to undertake reasonable customer due diligence pursuant to the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010. The information you provide in response to our due diligence procedures will only be used for meeting our legal obligations in this respect.

We may provide this information, and any other of your personal information we process, to Garda Síochána and the Revenue Commissioners where necessary to discharge our legal obligation to report knowledge or suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing.

How long do we keep this personal information?

We will keep the personal information obtained from you for this purpose until five years after the date we last provide our services to you.


Where you have made enquiries about our products and services, including through an e-mail request or by a request that we make contact with you (whether implied or explicit), we will use the information you provide to us as part of the request, or in subsequent communications only for the purposes of:

  • providing you with information about products and services;
  • giving preliminary advice before we are appointed to provide you with products or services;
  • providing you with proposals for the provision of products and services; and
  • providing you with further information and/or securing your instructions in connection with your initial enquiry.

In the context of your enquiries, your personal information is processed in this way for our legitimate business interests, which means the interests of T. A. Sheehan & Co., in conducting and managing our business but, most importantly, to give you the best service and products we can.

How long do we keep this personal information?

If you do not become a client, we will keep this information for a period of one year after the date of your initial enquiry.

Provision of products and services

The nature of our services is such that in providing them we may process your personal information. This is particularly the case if you are a private client, sole trader or a partnership, where the processing of your personal information is required in order to provide our services to you.

Unless otherwise stated in this Data Privacy Statement, any personal information you give us when providing our services to you will be used for:

  • providing those services to you in accordance with our contract with you;
  • meeting our legal obligations, in particular (but not exclusively) to the Revenue Commissioners;

How long do we keep this personal information?

Personal information that is provided to, or generated by, us during the provision of our services will be kept for a period of seven years after the end of the financial year in respect of which that personal information relates.

Certain personal information, including your contact details (including email address and telephone number) is also used to:

  • manage our relationship with you in order to meet our contractual obligations to you; and
  • for our legitimate interests in conducting and managing our business.

How long do we keep this personal information?

We keep this information for the later of (i) seven years after the end of the financial year in respect of which that personal information relates; or (ii) five years after you cease to become a client.

Products and services information

If you are (or have been) a client, we use your personal information to send you information related to:

  • our products and services;
  • accounting, financial and other business practices and developments relevant to your business or activities.

Your personal information is processed in this way for our legitimate business interests, which means the interests of T. A. Sheehan & Co., in conducting and managing our business but, most importantly, to give you the best advice, service and products we can.

You can at any time object to our processing of your personal information these purposes at any time by writing to us or emailing us at

Other uses

Your personal information will also be processed:

  • to manage your personal data in accordance with this privacy notice; and
  • to comply with our data protection and other legal obligations, including periodically seeking the renewal of consent for the processing of your personal information where required.

Legitimate interests

When we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we make sure we have considered and balanced the potential impact on you. We will never use your personal information in a way that is detrimental to your interests.

Where we process your personal information for purposes we consider to be in our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to this processing. You may exercise this right by writing to us at our address or by emailing us. If you do object, this may affect our ability to provide our products and services to you.

Who else gets your personal information?

To help us provide our services, we may share your personal information with third parties who provide services to T. A. Sheehan & Co, specifically information technology and information services providers.

These third parties can only use the personal information we share in order to provide their services to us or to support our delivery of our services to you.

Your personal information may be shared with third parties in accordance with your written and verified instructions, or in accordance with legal obligations imposed upon us.

Your personal information is not shared with anyone else. It is not transferred outside the European Union.

What are your rights?

Accessing, deleting, rectifying and moving your personal information

You have the right to:

  • access your personal information;
  • require us to delete it;
  • rectify any personal information we hold that is incorrect; and/or
  • have your personal information transmitted to another data controller.

If you want to exercise these rights, please let us know in writing. You will need to provide sufficient information to verify and complete your request. We will complete your request within thirty days, subject to any legal or other requirements that requires us not to complete your request, in which case we shall inform you of this where we are permitted to do so.

Lodging a complaint

You can at any time complain about our processing of your personal information with your local data protection authority. T. A. Sheehan’s supervisory authority is:

Data Protection Commissioner
Canal House
Station Road
R32 AP23
Co. Laois

How do you contact us?

The data controller is T. A. Sheehan & Co.
You can write to us at: Copley Street, Cork.
You can email us at: